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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Update on Stop Loss App

The iPhone/iPad Stop Loss App is close to be released in Light and Full version.
Here is how the full version works.

Once launched, you will have to click on the input field.

Input a tickers list (probably limited to a few hundred characters, but you can always run the app twice if needed) or reuse the last used list.

Select your preferred risk level (low risk level may generate false positives) and press Calculate.

Here's your tickers list with last close price and suggested Stop Loss.

The Light version will be free and would work only on DJ tickers, one at a time, and with fix risk level. It should be enough to be tested and evaluated.
The full version will be priced between 5$ and 5 Euros.
If things go well with this "When to sell" App there will be other two Apps to follow:
  1. What to buy
  2. When to buy
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