
This blog is free. It is an experiment: I simply share my actions with anybody interested.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

We bought and sold

We should have bought our last 3 stocks in these last days: VR, GIGM and LANC.

At the same time EROC violated our stop loss price and was sold on November 19th at $4.48. We bought it on September 14 at $3.87 for a 15% gain (plus a small dividend of roughly 0.5%).

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Yesterday we should have bought GIGM at around $4.43.

LANC and VR did not trigger our 1% trailing stop buy orders. I would suggest to re-enter the two orders for VR and LANC today, but after 10AM, so to skip the crazy market start.

Happy trading

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Some new buys

Two actions for us today:

1. Let's update our BUCY stop to $46.65
2. After 10AM let's buy LANC, GIGM and VR with a 1% trailing stop buy order and the following initial stop loss prices:
  • LANC: $45.11
  • GIGM: $3.75
  • VR: $23.39

Friday, November 13, 2009

My blog disappeared...

... and I do not know why.

Anyway, here we are, with the updated stop loss prices for our BUCY and EROC.

BUCY: stop at $46.10
EROC: stop at $4.49

During the weekend I think we will have some new buy identified for next week.
See you soon

Sunday, November 8, 2009

LHCG sold and new stop loss orders

I apologize for the delay, but I was on vacation.

We sold LHCG on October 29th at $29.55. The buy price on August 26th was $24.78 and we gained 19%.

Our portfolio currently consists of only two stocks: BUCY and EROC, for which I would suggest the following stop loss prices:

BUCY: $43.23

EROC: $4.45